This webinar is the last session in the 2023 Annual Workshop! It covers the major takeaways from AWS 2023 and summarizes the webinar series. Split up into two sections, it begins with Ndidi Nwuneli presenting some of the key takeaways from the previous AWS 2023 sessions and ends with Larry Cooley and Johannes Linn’s view of the future for CoP. Here are some highlights:

  • Funders and Scaling: funders play a critical role through their actions and inactions in providing incentives or disincentives for scaling. 
  • Prioritization and sector focus: understanding how to prioritize important issues can be difficult, but must be done within and across multiple sectors.
  • Key success factors: shared goals, long-term focus, an enabling policy environment, and more can have huge impacts on whether scaling efforts are effective.
  • Looking forward: how do we broaden our scaling community? Who should our efforts be centered around? What are the levers for change?

Larry Cooley, Founder and President Emeritus, Management Systems International

Johannes Linn, Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution

Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli, Co-Founder and Executive Chair, Sahel Consulting Agriculture & Nutrition Ltd.


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