Changing the Way We Care is seeking a consultant to help with some strategic planning work around scaling. The main points within the scope include support to facilitating a process to help CTWWC:
- Better understand what the challenges and successes of “going to scale” are within development programs, the care reform sector and within influence initiatives;
- Understand the gaps in the initiative’s current theoretical frameworks related to scaling and tipping points;
- Define scale in the regional and global influence and engagement work;
- Work across teams to develop a vision for scale that is shared with key actors (within each country or among key global and regional actors for global and regional scaling);
- Move the CTWWC teams forward in building their capacity to speak about scale, gather consensus about what tipping points would look like, and implement strategic activities to scale-up; and
- Support country and global teams to develop plans/activities to reach tipping points and monitor their progress
For additional information, please read the CTWWC SOW and follow the application instructions towards the end of the document.