Information about new agricultural technologies can help farmers make informed decisions about which ones to adopt. However, research shows that current information dissemination strategies do not always reach all farmers, nor are the recommendations always actionable or profitable. An updated J-PAL Policy Insight of 41 randomized evaluations shows that the content, frequency, and channel by which information is disseminated plays an important role in farmers’ decisions to adopt a new agricultural technology or practice.
Please join Professor Craig McIntosh (UC San Diego; J-PAL Agriculture sector Co-Chair) and Niriksha Shetty (Chief Executive Officer, Precision Development (PxD)) for a discussion on strategies for improving and scaling agricultural information and extension services in low- and middle-income countries. Specifically, Craig McIntosh will present evidence from the Policy Insight and concrete strategies to cost-effectively reach more farmers and tailor information to help farmers make optimal production decisions and investments. Niriksha Shetty will discuss PxD’s strategy for scaling rigorously-tested, evidence-informed agricultural extension programs and lessons learned from their practical experience in India.