Latest Past Events

Education Working Group: Lessons Learned from Adaptations as a Result of COVID-19 (Date TBD)

Building on the Education WG April 2020 webinar where we discussed specific needs witnessed in low- and middle-income countries in response to COVID and what the education sector can learn from other crises, this session will re-visit adaptations made in response to the global pandemic, lessons learned, and what recommendations to take forward in addressing the current and future disruptions […]

Via : Pathways to Work Webinar Series – Systems, Strengthening Partnerships

By: International Youth Foundation, USA ( Would you like to expand your knowledge on how young people are overcoming barriers to secure work? Have you ever wondered how vocational training institutions are providing support to help prepare young people on their journey or how all the myriad of actors in the youth employment ecosystem can engage with each other to […]

Via : Pathways to Work Webinar Series – TVET Institutions, Expanding Services

By: International Youth Foundation, USA ( Would you like to expand your knowledge on how young people are overcoming barriers to secure work? Have you ever wondered how vocational training institutions are providing support to help prepare young people on their journey or how all the myriad of actors in the youth employment ecosystem can engage with each other to […]

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