Public Group
active 1 year, 8 months agoThe Youth Employment Working Group is made up of a global group of youth development professionals and aims at sharing knowledge and best practices to bridge the gap between what individual efforts can achieve and what the global youth unemployment requires. The Working Group believes in order to make large scale youth employment changes, there must be collaboration between different actors in any local echo system. Although the group recognizes that while efforts to launch youth employment programs have multiplied in the last decade and a half, only a small proportion of such programs succeed to meet the huge need of youth employment at scale. Therefore, the members of the group aspire to share knowledge, tools and best practices on how to scale up youth programming and benefit large cohort of unemployed youth globally. In addition to quarterly virtual meetings, the Working Group supports informal exchanges of knowledge among its members on how to scale up youth employment outcomes. Like all CoP Working Groups, participation in, and management of, the Youth Employment Working Group is done on voluntary basis. We welcome your thoughts and suggestions on how to make this group more useful to youth participants, donors and implementers.
Karen created the doc
How skills shape the trajectory of life after school in Uganda in the group Youth Employment 4 years, 3 months ago
Karen created the doc
WorkLinks Skills & Values Assessment Tool: FINAL TOOL AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE in the group Youth Employment 4 years, 3 months ago