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Public Group

active 1 year, 8 months ago

Group Admins

The Nutrition Scaling Working Group (NSWG) aims to create a community of passionate individuals to exchange knowledge, generate ideas, and collaborate to solve problems related to the sustainable and impactful scaling of nutrition interventions. Membership of the Working Group includes more than 100 implementers, researchers, advocates, and donors. Areas of particular interest for the group include knowledge sharing on research and case studies on the scaling up of nutrition interventions and systems and methodologies for scaling; identification of gaps, and lessons learned from within the nutrition community and other sectors; creation of guidance checklists; and the development of analytical tools such as cost-benefit tools. Over the long term, the Working Group aims to develop new knowledge products or position papers on critical issues such as measuring progress in scaling nutrition interventions, need and best opportunities for nutrition scaling, and identification and prioritization of research and knowledge gaps. Like all CoP Working Groups, participation in, and management of, the Nutrition Scaling Working Group is done on a purely voluntary basis.

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