The Scaling Up Community of Practice thanks you for joining its 7th Annual Workshop.

This year’s Workshop consisted of 11 sessions, which are detailed in the below tabs. Be sure to follow the link for each session to view the session’s recordings and materials.

Mainstreaming a Focus on Scale in Funder Organizations – a key means to improving the effectiveness of development and climate assistance

The session explored policy and programmatic changes needed to integrate a focus on sustainable outcomes at scale into the operations of funders. It showcased promising practices; summarized the findings of the CoP’s initial research on “mainstreaming”; and invited comments on the CoP’s future plans to explore this topic.

Please read the CoP’s Concept Notes here.

The recording and materials from this session can be found here.


Larry Cooley, Founder and President Emeritus, Management Systems International

Johannes Linn, Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution


Richard Kohl, Founder, Center for Large Scale Social Change LLC

Bridget Bucardo Rivera, Senior Technical Advisor, Catholic Relief Services

Julie Howard, Senior Adviser, Center for Strategic and International Studies

Harnessing the Power of IT as a Game Changer for Scaling

The session explored the implications of IT for scaling pathways, platforms and potential. It unpacked the implications and challenges of IT for achieving scalable, inclusive outcomes in a variety of sectors including agriculture, health, and education.

The recording and materials from this session can be found here.


Larry Cooley, President Emeritus, Management Systems International


Verna Lalbeharie, Executive Director, EdTech Hub

Parmesh Shah, Global Lead, The World Bank

Dr. Sanjeev Arora, Director, Project ECHO

Beyond Digital Training Delivery: Digital Disruption and Youth Economic Opportunities

How is digital disruption impacting youth economic opportunities both in terms of labor markets as well as entrepreneurship? Because the business case for digital solutions is often economies of scale or addressing market failures, we are interested in learning how digital solutions impact youth economic opportunities at scale.

The recording and materials from this session can be found here.


Jessica Ngo, Deputy Chief of Party, Management Systems International


Rebeca De La Vega, Regional Manager, Cisco

Hisham Jabi, Founder and CEO, PalTechUS

Innovative Approaches to Scaling at the Last Mile In the Hardest Places

Through a deep-dive into the 12- year history of scaling the global and local partnership model of Project Last Mile (PLM)–a crosssector partnership between USAID, The Global Fund, PEPFAR, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The Coca-Cola Company and its Foundation–the session featured a discussion with corporate and non-profit leaders on the complexities, opportunities, best practices and collaborative approaches used by PLM to scale its programming to reach the populations. Case study examples focused on Sierra Leone and Mozambique.

The recording and materials from this session can be found here.


Jonathan Papoulidis, Global Director, Food for the Hungry


Alexandra Scott, President, Global Environment and Technology Foundation

Jose Neves, Country Lead, Mozambique, Project Last Mile

Rushika Shekar, Director, Program Delivery and Operations, Project Last Mile

Coordinating National Scaling Efforts for Food Systems Transformation

The new food systems framework and the imperative to address multiple objectives adds a tremendous amount of complexity to all aspects of the scaling process.  This session will examine the key question of how parallel scaling efforts by different organizations, projects, and initiatives could be made less independent and fragmented at country level, while facilitating greater engagement and leadership by country partners in both public and private sectors.  The session will examine case examples from successful scaling – and discuss the lessons that might be applied to scaling in a cross-sectoral, food systems context. Speakers will include representatives from Ministries of Agriculture, CGIAR, civil society, the private sector and funding organizations.

The recording and materials from this session can be found here.


Dr. Julie Howard, Senior Adviser, Center for Strategic and International Studies


Eric Gatera, Chief Technical Advisor, Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Rwanda

Dr. Stella Mukokha, Principal Research Scientist, Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization

Tendai Saidi, Head of Programmes and Policy, Civil Society Agriculture Network (CISANET)

Dr. Amos Rutherford Azinu, Founder and CEO, Legacy Crop Improvement Center, Ghana

Dr. Marc Schut, Innovation and Scaling Advisor; Senior Scientist, CGIAR and Wageningen University

Dr. Stefan Kachelriess-Matthess, Project Manager, GIZ

Tools and Strategies for Assessing the Scalability and Institutionalization of New Interventions and Practices within Government Systems

The session will provide a review of key lessons and methodologies for catalyzing and measuring the institutionalization within government of interventions that originate outside of government but aspire to scale through government systems. The session will include a summary of nine months of work by the M&E Working Group on this topic followed by a deep dive into the perspectives and realities of host government officials seeking to maximize service delivery with limited resources.

The recording and materials from this session can be found here.


John Floretta, Global Deputy Executive Director, J-PAL


Rachna Chowdhuri, Managing Director for Grants and Impact, Global Innovation Fund

Larry Cooley, Founder and President Emeritus, Management Systems International

Jasmine Shah, Vice Chairperson of the Dialogue and Development Commission, Government of NCT of Delhi

Reflecting on Mainstreaming and Scaling Principles In Education

Donors and implementers will discuss how they collaborate to scale up learning outcomes. The session will focus on the planning, implementation and monitoring of projects that have scaled up or are in the process of scaling up. Panelists will also discuss mainstreaming projects into local education systems.

The recording and materials from this session can be found here.


Heather Simpson, Chief Program Officer, Room to Read


Paul Frank, Senior Advisor, SIL LEAD, Inc.

Creesen Naicker, Vice President of Strategic Partnerships, Curious Learning

Stephanie Gottwold, Co-Founder and Vice President of Content and Research, Creative Learning

Sergio Ramírez-Mena, Chief of Party, All Children Reading Grand Challenge, World Vision

Scaling Climate Action Post-COP27

The session will address critical scaling challenges for climate finance and climate action following CoP27 in light of the urgency of the climate change mitigation and adaptation challenges.

The recording and materials from this session can be found here.


George Zedgenidze, Knowledge & Change Management Head, Green Climate Fund


Amar Bhattacharya, Senior Fellow, the Brookings Institution


Vera Songwe, Former Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

Yannick Glemarec, Executive Director, Green Climate Fund

Dr. Andrew Steer, President and CEO, Bezos Earth Fund

Ian Mitchell, Co-Director, Center for Global Development Cooperation in Europe

The Role of Donors In Supporting the Scale Up of Social Enterprises – the Undervalued Importance of Intermediation

The session will unpack the roles donors can and sometimes do play in helping social enterprises achieve meaningful scale. These issues – with particular focus on “intermediation functions” –will be explored in a dialogue between a range of social enterprises and the donors that are supporting their growth.

The recording and materials from this session can be found here.


Isabel Guerrero, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Imago Global Grassroots


Alvaro Henzler, Co-Founder and President, Mosaico Lab

Ernenek Duran, Senior Director of Programs, Latin America, One Drop Foundation

Maria Elena Nawar, Advisor, Scaling, Knowledge and Impact Unit at IDB Lab

Habiba Ali, Managing Director and CEO, Sosai Renewable Energies Company

Nikola Okero, Policy Officer, Food4Education

Perspectives on Scale Up In Key Global Health Areas: Malaria, HIV/AIDs, Child Health and Family Planning

A panel of senior leaders working in the technical areas of Malaria, HIV/AIDS, Child Health and Family Planning will provide observations and insights on how their fields view scaling up, including the major paradigms, frameworks and approaches that have been used to scale up effective interventions. A moderator will facilitate a discussion among the panelists to elicit common themes and contrasting perspectives from these health fields.

The recording and materials from this session can be found here.


Lester Coutinho, Director of Innovation and Learning, DKT


Dr. Charles Holmes, Director, Georgetown Center for Innovation in Global Health

Dr. Corine Karema, Interim CEO, RBM Partnership to End Malaria

Dr. Jim Ricca, Director of Adaptive Management, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning, Jhpiego

Main Take-Aways from AWS 2023; and The CoP Strategy in 2023 and Beyond

The first part of the session will be a review of progress to date, key lessons, and insights from the 2023 AWS. The second part of the session will review the CoP’s recently-approved Strategic Plan and priorities for future activities, thought leadership, governance, and funding.

The recording and materials from this session can be found here.


Larry Cooley, Founder and President Emeritus, Management Systems International

Johannes Linn, Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution

Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli, Co-founder and Executive Chair of Sahel Consulting Agriculture & Nutrition Ltd.

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