The 6th Annual Workshop of the Global Community of Practice on Scaling Development Outcomes (CoP) took place as a series of twelve virtual sessions spread over the two-and-a-half-week period from November 8 through November 23rd.
The program of events included 3 plenary sessions focusing on cross-cutting issues and a total of 9 sessions on sectoral and thematic perspectives on scaling organized by each of the CoP’s nine sectoral and thematic Working Groups.

2021 Annual CoP Workshop
The Scaling Up Community of Practice thanks you for joining its 6th Annual Workshop.
This year’s Workshop consisted of 12 sessions, which are detailed in the below tabs. Be sure to follow the link for each session to view the session’s recordings and materials.
Scaling & Systems Change
The first Plenary session of the 2021 Workshop discussed the CoP learning agenda and the relationship between Scaling & Systems Change. The CoP’s 2020 Annual Workshop highlighted the relationship between scaling and systems change as an issue needing to be explored further. In this first plenary, we summarized the key insights that have emerged from the past year’s CoP discussions on this topic, illustrated with examples from different sectors, and sought agreement on priority issues to be examined by the CoP in 2022.
The recording and materials from this session can be found here.
Larry Cooley, President Emeritus and Senior Advisor at Management Systems International, Co-Founder of the Scaling Up CoP, Co-Chair of the CoP’s Monitoring & Evaluation Working Group
Johannes Linn, Senior Fellow at Brookings Institution, Co-Founder of the Scaling Up CoP
Richard Kohl, Founder and Principal at the Center for Large Scale Social Change LLC
Liz Vance, Program Director of Systems Change for Workforce Development at International Youth Foundation, Co-Chair of the CoP’s Youth Employment Working Group
Lennart Woltering, Scaling Catalyst at CIMMYT, Co-Chair of the CoP’s Agriculture & Rural Development Working Group
Jenny Perlman Robinson, Senior Fellow for Global Economic and Development in the Center for Universal Education at Brookings Institution, Co-Chair of the CoP’s Education Working Group
Laura Ghiron, President at Partners in Expanding Health Quality & Access, Member of ExpandNet Secretariat, Co-Chair of the CoP’s Health Technical Working Group
Youth Employment Working Group Session
The session featured a case study exploring scaling issues in Mexico’s aerospace industry including the role played by industrial “clusters” and other workforce development strategies, and the role of partnerships with private sector actors more generally. The session also included an introduction to the Youth Employment Working Group and an opportunity for participants to suggest priorities for the group work in 2022.
The recording and materials from this session can be found here.
Rene Espinosa, President of the Mexican Aerospace Federation and Plant Manager at Metal Finishing in Chihuahua Mexico
Liz Vance, Program Director of Systems Change for Workforce Development at IYF, Co-Chair of the Youth Employment Working Group
Jess Ngo, Technical Manager at Management Systems International, Co-Chair of the Youth Employment Working Group
Mainstreaming scaling in governments and donors
The first part of Plenary #2 of this year’s Workshop summarized lessons from the CoP’s work on Institutionalization in Host Governments as a scaling strategy and on efforts by CoP members to mainstream a focus on scaling within donor organizations. It featured perspectives from civil society, government, and funders.
The recording and materials from this session can be found here.
Johannes Linn, Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, Co-Chair of the Scaling CoP
Larry Cooley, President Emeritus at MSI, Co-Chair of the Scaling CoP and Co-Chair of the CoP Monitoring & Evaluation Working Group
Rajani Ved, Former Executive Director, National Health Systems Resource Centre, Government of India
Noam Angrist, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Young1ove, Botswana
Robert McLean, Senior Program Specialist at IDRC
Elaine Tinsley, Private Sector Specialist at World Bank, Co-Chair of the CoP Social Enterprise Working Group
Gwyn Hainsworth, Senior Program Officer at Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Laura Ghiron, President at Partners in Expanding Health Quality & Access, Member of ExpandNet Secretariat, Co-Chair of the CoP’s Health Technical Working Group
John Floretta, Global Deputy Executive Director at J-PAL, Co-Chair of CoP Monitoring & Evaluation Working Group
Fragile States Working Group Session
The session focused on scaling social protection/safety nets in fragile contexts, with a focus on Ethiopia. We explored how scaling frameworks and methods can help address the challenges of implementing and sustaining large-scale social safety nets in hard places, as well as determining what the widespread delivery of safety nets in fragile contexts can tell us about the dynamics and drivers of scaling in these places.
The recording and materials from this session can be found here.
Ugo Gentilini, Global Lead on Social Protection, World Bank
Michael Munavu, Task Team Leader, Ethiopia Productive National Safety Net operation
Pallavi Roy, Senior Lecturer in International Economics, CISD, SOAS University of London, Research Director, Anti-Corruption Evidence Research Partnership Consortium
Jonathan Papoulidis, Executive Advisor on Fragile States at World Vision, Co-Chair of the Fragile States Working Group
Rob Chase, Social Protection and Jobs Manager of the Africa Region at World Bank, Co-Chair of the Fragile States Working Group
Health Technical Working Group Session
The Health Technical Working Group hosted this year’s meeting building on Plenary 2 about mainstreaming a scaling up focus in donor organizations. This session highlighted experience with similarly seeking to mainstream a scaling mindset within non-governmental technical and implementing organizations. It was conducted as an informal conversation that addressed both successes and challenges, with considerable participation of attendees.
The recording and materials from this session can be found here.
David Leege, Senior Program Specialist in Policy and Evaluation at Canada’s International Development Research Centre
Callie Simon, Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Team Lead and Senior Advisor at Save the Children US
Olayinka Umar-Farouk, Deputy Project Director, Risk Communications at Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
Rebecka Lundgren, Associate Professor, Center for Gender Equity and Health at University of California San Diego
Laura Ghiron, President at Partners in Expanding Health Quality & Access, Member of ExpandNet Secretariat, Co-Chair of the CoP’s Health Technical Working Group
Understanding scaling and systems change in the context of food systems transformation
Scaling knowledge and practice has never been more important to address the daunting level of need and the complex challenges to our global food systems. This session discussed how the concept and practice of scaling has changed over the last decade, and how the evolving “new consensus” on scaling relates to food system challenges and opportunities. Speakers discussed the relationship between scaling and systems change/transformation in the context of pressures for food systems to shift from a productivity-centric focus to meet broader multiple objectives. What analyses, tools and capacities will be needed to facilitate meaningful, sustained impact at scale in this new context?
The recording from this session can be found here.
Larry Cooley, Co-Founder, Scaling Community of Practice, and Founder/President Emeritus, MSI
Susan Chomba, Director of Vital Landscapes, World Resources Institute/Africa and former lead, Regreening Africa Initiative, CIFOR-ICRAF)
Ndidi Nwuneli, Co-Founder Sahel Consulting: Agriculture and Nutrition, Ltd. and AACE Foods
Julie Howard, Non-resident Senior Advisor at Center for Strategic and International Studies, Co-Chair of the Agriculture and Rural Development Working Group
Lennart Woltering, Scaling Advisor at CIMMYT, Co-Chair of the Agriculture and Rural Development Working Group
This session served as the first in a series of three events focused on innovations in scaling, part of the Global Agriculture Innovation Forum. Register to join us for the final session in the series on Tuesday, December 7th at 9 AM ET. The Forum is jointly sponsored by Purdue University’s International Programs in Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service.
Implication of CoP 26 for the Accelerated Scaling of Climate Change Solutions
The event was structured in two main sessions. The first was a high-level panel reflecting on COP26 and the way forward. The second session of the event was for members of the scaling up CoP to react and further discuss on the panel discussion to better understand what it means for the scaling up initiative in general. The participants had a chance to tackle, in a moderated discussion, actions to be implemented and elaborate on how the scaling up COP can support the international financial engagement on climate action.
The recording and materials from this session can be found here.
Lord Nicholas Stern, IG Patel Professor of Economics and Government at the London School of Economics
Yannick Glemarec, Executive Director, Green Climate Fund
Amal Lee Amin, Director, Climate Change at CDC
Amar Bhattacharya, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institute and Co-Chair of the CoP’s Climate Change Working Group
George Zedginidze, Head of Knowledge and Change Management, GCF and Co-Chair of the COP’s Climate Change Working Group
Where is the anaemia target for young children? The missing WHA nutrition target. Perspectives on home fortification for children under five.
The Home Fortification Technical Advisory Group – co-chaired by Nutrition International and UNICEF – dove into why it’s imperative for planners, speakers and donors at the Nutrition for Growth Summit to call for the World Health Assembly to set anaemia targets for infants and young children and promote investment in evidence-based interventions to improve the iron status of young children. This event included valuable participation from the Nutrition Scaling Working Group.
The recording and materials from this session can be found here.
Dylan Walters, Project Director at Nutrition International, Co-Chair of the CoP’s Nutrition Working Group
Education Working Group Session
The Education Working Group examined challenges and opportunities to embedding, within formal education systems, initiatives originating from outside the system. During this session, panelists highlighted strategies and lessons learned from implementing partners working with governments to ensure institutionalization; presented findings from a multi-country study on practices that support or hinder institutionalization; and (re)introduced the “Institutionalization Tracker” which measures the progress of efforts to integrate an initiative into the education system.
The recording and materials from this session can be found here.
Hebah Foda, Scaling and Learning Manager, Ahlan Simsim Early childhood development program Jordan
Masooda Bano, Principal Investigator for the Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE) and Professor of Development Studies at the University of Oxford Department of International Development
Jonathan Stern, Ph.D., Senior Research and Evaluation Specialist, International Education, RTI International
Molly Curtiss Wyss, Project Manager and Senior Research Analyst, Center for Universal Education, The Brookings Institution
Gaëlle Simon, Technical Director at Management Systems International, Co-Chair of the Education Working Group
Jenny Perlman Robinson, Senior Fellow for Global Economic and Development in the Center for Universal Education at Brookings Institution, Co-Chair of the Education Working Group
Monitoring & Evaluation Working Group Session
The session organized by the M&W Working Group will be divided into two parts. The first part will focus on the most effective means for assessing and tracking institutionalization/sustainability by governments of innovations and new practices that originate in NGOs, summarizing insights from three sessions earlier in the year. In the second part of the session, we will discuss and solicit input to the 2022 learning agenda and action priorities for the Working Group. Everyone is welcome whether or not they are current members of the Working Group.
The recording and materials from this session can be found here.
Larry Cooley, President Emeritus at MSI, Co-Chair of the Scaling CoP and Co-Chair of the CoP Monitoring & Evaluation Working Group
John Floretta, Global Deputy Executive Director at J-PAL, Co-Chair of CoP Monitoring & Evaluation Working Group
Jenny Perlman Robinson, Senior Fellow for Global Economic and Development in the Center for Universal Education at Brookings Institution, Co-Chair of the Education Working Group
Ruth Simmons, ExpandNet, Member of the CoP’s Executive Committee
Ben Piper, Director of Global Education at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Ethiopia
Scaling through Social Franchising: Lessons Learnt from Jibu Water and Kidogo
Social franchising offers the chance to scale through the guided growth and development of local entrepreneurs. This session took a look at Jibu’s experience and lessons in deploying a franchise model to expand clean water kiosks in seven African countries. The session also examined how the differences in national regulatory and enabling environments impacts the decision to enter into new markets and scale.
The recording and materials from this session can be found here.
Galen Welsch, Co-Founder at Jibu
Sabrina Habib, CEO and Co-founder Kidogo
Elaine Tinsley, Private Sector Specialist at World Bank, Co-Chair of the Social Enterprise Working Group
Principles, lessons, and guidelines for successful and sustainable scaling
This session presented and discussed a paper on the principles, lessons and guidelines for scaling prepared for the Scaling Community of Practice by Richard Kohl and Johannes Linn as a basis for the possible adoption of a set of common scaling principles by the CoP. The session ended with a discussion of potential future cross-cutting knowledge work to be undertaken by the CoP.
The recording and materials from this session can be found here.
Richard Kohl, Strategy and Scale Consultant
Johannes Linn, Nonresident Fellow at Brookings, Co-Chair of the Scaling CoP
Santiago Levy, Former Vice President at IADB, former Deputy Minister of Finance, Mexico
Ruth Simmons, Professor Emerita at University of Michigan, Member of the CoP’s Executive Committee
Charles Kabiswa, Programs Director at Ecological Christian Organization, Uganda
Jenny Perlman Robinson, Senior Fellow for Global Economic and Development in the Center for Universal Education at Brookings Institution, Co-Chair of the Education Working Group
Larry Cooley, President Emeritus at MSI, Co-Chair of the Scaling CoP