By Rebecka Lundgren

CUSP is a group of nine organizations with robust experience in developing social norms change methodologies that are being scaled across a variety of regions and contexts by the Center for Domestic Violence Prevention (CEDOVIP), Intervention with Microfinance for AIDS and Gender Equity (IMAGE), the Institute for Reproductive Health at Georgetown University, the Oxfam-initiated “We Can” campaign, Puntos de Encuentro, Raising Voices, Salamander Trust, Sonke Gender Justice, and Tostan. CUSP members currently support programs in Latin America, Africa, the Pacific, the Caribbean, and South Asia.

On the CUSP: the politics and prospects of scaling social norms change programming” explores learning from methodologies and experiences from five CUSP programs – GREAT, IMAGE, SASA!, Stepping Stones, and Tostan–on scaling social norms change initiatives for gender equality to prevent violence against women and girls and improve sexual and reproductive health and rights. The discussion raises political questions around the current donor landscape including the issues with short-term and under-resourced projects, who is well positioned to lead the scale-up, the demand for funding feminist organizations, and the challenges with the current evaluation paradigm for measuring social norms change at scale. Stay up to date with CUSP here.



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