News from the Scaling Up Community of Practice
Annual Workshop 2023
The CoP’s Annual Workshop 2023 will be held in January-February 2023 in a virtual format. As for the last two workshops, we expect to host three plenary sessions and nine working group sessions, as shown in the table below. Each session will last 90 minutes from 10:00-11:30am EST (except for the Climate Change session). We will send out a more detailed announcement and registration information shortly.
Date | Session | Topic |
1/23 | Plenary 1 | Mainstreaming a Focus on Scale in Funder Organizations |
1/24 | Plenary 2 | Harnessing the Power of IT as a Game Changer for Scaling |
1/25 | Youth Employment Working Group | Leveraging Digital Platforms to Scale up Youth Employment Activities |
1/26 | Fragile States Working Group | Innovative Approaches to Scaling at the Last Mile in the Hardest Places |
1/30 | Agriculture and Rural Development Working Group | Coordinating National Scaling Efforts Around Climate Change Prediction, Adaptation and Mitigation |
1/31 | Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group | Tools and Strategies for Assessing the Scalability and Institutionalization of New Interventions and Practices within Government Systems |
2/2 | Education Working Group | Reflecting on Mainstreaming and Scaling Principles in Education |
2/3 | Climate Change Working Group | Scaling Climate Action Post-COP27 |
2/6 | Social Enterprises Working Group | The Role of Official Donors in Supporting the Scale up of Social Enterprises – the undervalued importance role of intermediation. |
2/7 | Health Working Group | Perspectives on Scale up in Key Global Health Areas: Malaria, HIV/AIDs, Child Health and Family Planning |
2/8 | Plenary 3 | CoP Strategy and Priorities in 2023 and Beyond |
New CoP Strategy
As announced in Newsletter 24, the CoP’s Executive Committee endorsed a new CoP Strategy document. Our strategy aims to transform the CoP from a purely voluntary and informal network into a more formal, professionally managed platform for the exchange of scaling experience, creation of scaling knowledge products, and promotion of the scaling agenda. The Executive Committee will implement the strategy starting in 2023. While the plan is to maintain the CoP’s volunteer-based, bare-bones approach, the implementation of the strategy requires mobilizing some additional financial resources and CoP members are encouraged to support the resource mobilization process in any way they can.
Crosscutting issues
Since 2020, the CoP has posted number of knowledge products on crosscutting issues, as reported in previous newsletters:
- Exploration of a new scaling paradigm and set of crosscutting issues in a working paper by Kohl and a blog by Cooley, Kohl and Linn;
- An assessment of the complementarity of Scaling and Systems Change;
- The CoP’s paper on Scaling Principles and Lessons and their application in three case studies;
- An exploration of Scaling via institutionalization of interventions through government by Igras, Cooley and Floretta.
Based on an exploratory paper by Richard Kohl, we are now in an advanced stage of preparing a new crosscutting initiative on Mainstreaming scaling in donor organizations, in close collaboration with the French and German development cooperation agencies (AFD and GIZ) and with the OECD-DAC. The directions of this work will be presented and discussed at the CoP’s next Annual Workshop in early 2023.
CoP website
Members are invited to submit their knowledge products and announcements (blogs, working papers, tools, job opportunities, etc.) for posting or reposting on the CoP website. The ExCom will provide editorial review and guidance for any knowledge products submitted for publication on the general resource page of the website. WG chairs will serve in the editorial capacity for knowledge products and news items to be posted on the WG pages.
Note: All knowledge products to be posted should meet the following criteria: (i) focus on scaling issues, approaches or tools; (ii) report on lessons and implications of scaling experience; (iii) blogs should have 800-1000 words.
All members are strongly encouraged to register on the website if you have not already done so and to visit the website from time to time to stay apprised of upcoming activities. We will increasingly rely on the website to disseminate materials and to keep everyone informed.
Financial support for the CoP
The CoP depends on the financial support of its members for its effective functioning. The generous support of the following organizations during the years 2019-23 is gratefully acknowledged: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, CRS, Eleanor Crook Foundation, ExpandNet, Food for the Hungry, GIZ, Lever for Change, MacArthur Foundation, MasterCard Foundation, Management Systems International, Oak Foundation, and OECD.
During the coming months, the Resource Mobilization and Finance Committee established by the ExCom will continue to mobilize financial support for the next two years. Please contact ([email protected]) or Johannes ([email protected]) with any funding ideas you might have.
Member News (in alphabetical order)
Agriculture and Rural Development Working Group of the Scaling CoP (Agriculture)
Webinar of the ARD Work Group, October 2022: Capacities to scale innovations for sustainable development; reconciling scaling to sustainable development. Presented by Seerp Wigboldus, Wageningen Plant Research.
Seerp started his presentation stating that scaling of innovations makes sense but there is a tension with diversity (one thing scales faster than multiple things), dependency (one solution for all by a few) and resilience (betting on the best-bet) where scaling can narrow options down. Scaling also doesn’t automatically lead to sustainable development, but it is often presented as a solution, ignoring the more complex change processes involved. He draws from his recent publication https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10668-022-02394-4 on assessing capacities for scaling in three cases in Africa and makes the distinction between “scaling partners” – use partners to achieve your own objectives and “partners in scaling” where there is more equal participation on scaling. The recording can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xW7Sn5lauIM and the PPT is also available at https://scalingcommunityofpractice.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Capacities-to-scale-innovations-for-sustainable-development.pdf
Contact: Lennart Woltering [email protected]
The Baltazar y Nicolás Foundation (Education)
Scaling educational solutions for youth in Peru
The Baltazar y Nicolás Foundation is an institution dedicated to promoting the comprehensive development of girls and boys. It supports evidence-based educational initiatives aimed at mothers and fathers on aspects related to upbringing, bonding, health, nutrition of girls and boys up to 36 months: as well as mental health of the caregiver. The Foundation places particular emphasis on the link between evidence and scaling as documented in the Foundation’s publications (in Spanish). The Foundation expects to publish blog-length summaries for three of its programs on the CoP website shortly.
Contact: Rommy Ríos [email protected]
The Brookings Institution
“Scaling Up the Impact of Development and Climate Interventions.” By Johannes Linn, in Financing the UN Development System: Joint Responsibilities in a World of Disarray 2022. Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation and UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office. September 2022.
Scaling is a critical ingredient for any effort to reach ambitious Sustainable Development Goals and the targets of the Paris Agreement on climate change. This blog presents some lessons for practitioners.
Contact: Johannes Linn [email protected]
Center for Universal Education at Brookings (Education)
Activity of Millions Learning Program. This fall, the Millions Learning project at the Brookings Center for Universal Education published several case studies and research briefs focused on scaling and sustaining impact in education.
- In 2020, Millions Learning joined the Global Partnership for Education’s (GPE) Knowledge and Innovation Exchange, a joint partnership between GPE and the International Development Research Center, to facilitate a cross-national, multi-team, design-based research and professional support initiative called Research on Scaling the Impact of Innovations in Education(ROSIE). ROSIE brings together researchers and practitioners working in 29 LMICs to study processes of scaling education initiatives and to deepen the impact of their ongoing work.
- In October, Brookings published a report focused on emerging insights from 14 ROSIE teams’ scaling journeysto date. The findings are organized within three broad categories: stakeholders including teachers and school leaders, the enabling environment, and incentives. Along the way, the report also raises assumptions to interrogate and offers practical recommendations to consider. Because this study is ongoing, these insights are provisional and will likely deepen and grow during subsequent rounds of data collection. A final report will be released at the end of 2023.
- Parallel to this work, Brookings has been pursuing a complementary qualitative study on how governments identify, adopt, and support education innovations to scale. In September, a report was published examining how national and regional decision-makers in the public sector approach scaling education innovations in low- and middle-income countries. This includes exploring what they see as key factors or influences on the process of supporting or adopting education innovations to scale, what the contours and calculations of their decision-making processes are, and how broader components of the decision-making ecosystem interrelate.
- In October Millions Learning launched a case studyfocused on a partnership-led process of implementing, adapting, and scaling the National Financial Education Program (FEP) in grades 7-12 across Jordan. The case begins with an overview of the education ecosystem, movement to promote greater financial inclusion in Jordan, and brief descriptions of key actors and initiatives engaged with FEP, then details critical factors, opportunities, and challenges related to the FEP’s scaling story, including its design, delivery, financing, and enabling environment. While this report is focused on the story of the FEP, it also serves as a case study into larger questions of how an evidence-based initiative can achieve progress toward national sustainable scale, with lessons that are transferable beyond FEP and Jordan.
- Finally, in October CUE published a paper on how to scale quality teacher professional development.
Contact: Molly Curtiss Wyss [email protected]
CIMMYT (The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center) (Agriculture)
“Capacity development for scaling conservation agriculture in smallholder farming systems in Latin America, South Asia and Southern Africa: exposing the hidden levels.” By Lennart Woltering et al. Knowledge Management for Development Journal. September 2022. https://km4djournal.org/index.php/km4dj/article/view/510/644.
Capacity development is a major pathway for research for development projects to scale innovations. However, both successful scaling and capacity development are held back by a persistent simplistic focus on ‘reaching more end-users’ and training at the individual level, respectively. A multi-disciplinary group of CIMMYT researchers argue in this cross-regional paper for greater attention to capacity development beyond the individual level and for greater intentionality in designing and implementing activities that address organizational, cooperation, and system level capacity development, as these are critical for the transition to sustainable, fair, and resilient food systems. They propose a pragmatic conceptual framework for understanding what the various capacity development levels mean and how to incorporate them into our work. The paper is part of a series on how CIMMYT colleagues deal with scaling in practice https://km4djournal.org/index.php/km4dj/article/view/511
Scaling Scan website live:
The Scaling Scan is a user-friendly tool to explore what is required to scale an innovation in a specific context, the implications it has for project management and collaborations, and the potential trade-offs on the environment as well as social dynamics. Five years after the tool’s release, a dedicated website, www.scalingscan.org, was launched to assist anyone interested in assessing their innovation or facilitating a scaling scan workshop (https://www.cimmyt.org/blogs/more-than-machines/ ). It has a community feature, and digital versions of the Scaling Scan will be available soon. If you want to know right away if the Scaling Scan is for you, do the rapid Scaling Scan in 10 minutes! https://scalingscan.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/82/2022/10/Rapid_Scaling_Scan_Exercise.pdf
Contact: Lennart Woltering [email protected]
Educate! (Education)
The Power and Potential of a Real-world Reform
To succeed in a fast-paced world, young people need practical learning experiences. Over the last seven years, Educate! has worked closely with the Rwandan government to reform an innovative secondary school subject that balances both academic and real-world skills, driving measurable impact on youth! Through the rollout of Rwanda’s Entrepreneurship curriculum, the education system seeks to prepare generations of youth for leadership and work in any context. To date, Educate!’s accompanying teacher training model has reached educators in 40% of schools in Rwanda. A randomized controlled trial (RCT) of this model found measurable impacts in youth outcomes, such as key transferable skills, educational attainment, and business ownership. The government is a key partner in supporting the scaling of this work. “Working with Educate! has been significant because students have developed an entrepreneurial mindset. Students can now think beyond their notebooks, which is a win for both the education system and Educate!.” (State Minister of Education of Rwanda Honorable Mr. Gaspard Twagirayezu)
Health Working Group of Scaling CoP (Health)
Future event: Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Summit, December 5-9, 2022, Marrakesh, Morocco.
The Health Technical Working Group (HTWG) and ExpandNet are co-sponsoring a scaling-up focused side event at the SBCC Summit to discuss issues related to scaling SBCC approaches, balancing fidelity with adaptation in new contexts, and identifying champions to lead expansion of social change. The pre-meeting session, entitled “Breakfast with Scaling Champions”, will be facilitated by Mariam Diakité of Georgetown University’s Institute for Reproductive Health based in Mali, Jennifer Gayles of Save the Children, and Rebecka Lundgren of the University of California-San Diego’s Center on Gender Equity and Health. The Summit auxiliary event will take place from 7:00-9:00 am on Thursday December 8 and any CoP members and colleagues attending the Summit are warmly invited to participate.
Past webinar on “Scaling innovations in the public sector in East Africa”
On September 20 ExpandNet and the HTWG co-sponsored an exciting webinar with the team from Spark Health Africa to share key learnings from public-sector scaling of innovations in East Africa. Presenters included Edward Kataika, Director of Programmes at the East, Central, and Southern Africa (ECSA) Health Community; Easter Okello of Lake Region Economic Bloc (LREB) of Kenya, and Paul Nyachae, Project Director of The East Africa Hub of The Challenge Initiative (TCI). The panel was moderated by Dr. Richard Chivaka, Founder and CEO of Spark Health Africa, and Laura Ghiron, Member of the ExpandNet Secretariat. Click for the link to the recording of the 90-minute webinar.
Contact: Laura Ghiron Laura.ghiron@expandnet.
ExpandNet (Health; general)
Scaling up global capacity to support systematic scale-up processes
ExpandNet recently began work on a new five-year grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) that will help further advance the science and practice of scaling up. A central activity includes the development of a new online training and mentoring platform called the Scale-up Learning Center (SLC). The SLC will facilitate scale-up-related capacity building for global health and development professionals through distance learning and, for a subset of users, both online and in person technical assistance and coaching. As part of this grant, existing global ExpandNet members will be mobilized to contribute content to the SLC and serve as mentors and coaches; provide technical assistance on scaling up; and advocate at national, regional and global levels for the application of systematic approaches to scale up in countries. The grant will have an initial focus on BMGF projects and collaborators working on family planning and maternal and child health and will work with a range of stakeholders, including governments, donors, technical agencies, multinational organizations, and communities of practice. ExpandNet will also continue its global-level contributions, including active participation in scale-up focused communities of practice, international conferences, and other learning, sharing, and dissemination activities.
Contact: Laura Ghiron [email protected]
GIZ-CGIAR (Agriculture)
GIZ-CGIAR Task Force on Scaling
The GIZ-CGIAR Task Force on Scaling is an cross-cutting group of experts working in International Agricultural Research Organizations to bring agricultural innovations from research at CGIAR into use on a massive scale. The Task Force members provide support to CGIAR organizations in designing and implementing adapted scaling approaches, building capacity of CGIAR staff in scaling innovations, advising relevant stakeholders in scaling activities, and reflecting on activities and developing learning products. Currently, the Task Force on Scaling consists of eight members, who are based in CGIAR organizations in Benin, Kenya, Mexico, Sri Lanka. Further information is available at https://www.giz.de/en/downloads/giz-2022-en-taskforce-on-scaling-brochure.pdf
Contact: Thomas Pircher [email protected].
HarvestPlus and Lever for Change (Nutrition)
“Growing Resilience”. Lever for Change, July 2022. https://www.leverforchange.org/library/news-blogs/growing-resilience/
In 2017, HarvestPlus team members initially shed tears over missing their shot at $100 million in the first 100&Change competition by the MacArthur Foundation to solve ‘hidden hunger’ in Africa. Five years later, the organization is becoming a global force in addressing malnutrition, in part because of the $15 million “consolation prize”.
International Development Research Center (IDRC) (General)
Responses to the Call to Action from the Global South on Scaling Impact
Earlier this year, a series of conversations among a group of 18 researchers and innovators from across the Global South led to the publication of a Call to Action from the Global South on Scaling Impact. The Call sets out a set of eight concrete actions that funders and development agencies can take to improve support for scaling impact.
Two participants who joined the Scaling Up COP webinar launching the Call earlier this year recently published responses to the Call:
- Research for scaling impact: How can we strengthen collaboration between donors & researchers? By Eric Beugnot of Agence Française de Développement
- From silver bullets to transition science in the CGIAR: reflections on the scalingXchange Call to Action By Lennart Woltering, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
If you are interested in supporting reflection and action on the Call by publishing a written response, contact [email protected].
Lever for Change (Education)
Meet the awardees of the LEGO Foundation’s Build a World of Play Challenge
This week, the LEGO Foundation announced the five awardees for its global Build a World of Play Challenge. The Challenge is awarding a total of DKK 900 million (approximately USD 117 million) to support substantial contributions to the lives of children from birth to six years old and spark a global movement to prioritize early childhood development. Lever for Change included this cohort in the Bold Solutions Network ─ which matches donors with solutions to significant social challenges that were highly ranked after rigorous evaluation in one of our competitions ─ and is calling on additional philanthropists to join efforts to fully fund all of the finalists.
Contact: Dana Rice [email protected]
Management Systems International (MSI) (Health)
Application of Scaling Tools and Models to Social Welfare Interventions
Working with a variety of institutions including the Oak Foundation, the Moore Center at Georgetown University, the Global Parenting Initiative, and Rutgers University in the Netherlands, MSI deepened its efforts to adapt scaling models and tools to a variety of specialized social issues such as child abuse, dropout prevention, sexuality education, and parenting. This included the tailoring of scalability checklists, analytical frameworks and scaling strategies to address special features such as overcoming social stigma.
Contact: Tim Reilly [email protected]
Scaling up Family Planning and Primary Health Care Services in Nigeria
Under contract to the Gates Foundation, MSI launched a 5-year case study to assess and enhance nationwide efforts in Nigeria to deliver family planning and primary health care services through Community Pharmacists (CPs) and Patent and Proprietary Medicine Vendors (PPMVs). MSI evaluators will accompany the IntegratE Project team throughout the scaling process providing a combination of documentation, evaluation and support using a methodology akin to the Real-time Scaling Labs pioneered by the Brookings Institution.
Contact: Larry Cooley [email protected]
Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group of the Scaling CoP (M&E)
Webinar on “Measuring the institutionalization of effective innovations within government systems.” 6 October 2022
This webinar was a continuation of a series of webinars (6 to date) organized by the M&E Working Group on the topic of assessing institutionalization within government of interventions originated by NGOs. Recordings of all of these webinars are available here and are summarized in a working paper by Susan Igras, Larry Cooley and John Floretta, “Advancing Change from the Outside In: Lessons Learned About the Effective Use of Evidence and Intermediaries to Achieve Sustainable Outcomes at Scale Through Government Pathways.” The most recent session featured presentations from Room to Read, Noora Health, and Co-Impact reflecting on the MEWG working paper and focusing particular attention on the incorporation of “soft system metrics” into the monitoring and evaluation of institutionalization. The Working Group intends to continue its deep dive on the topic of institutionalization during the remainder of 2022 with results to be summarized in a second working paper and discussed at this year’s Annual Workshop
Contact: Larry Cooley [email protected]
OECD-DAC (General)
“The Adoption of Innovation”. By Benjamin Kumpf and Emma Proud. In Stanford Social Innovation Review. 10 August 2022.
This article explores how innovations move from the edges to the core of what an organization does. For maximum impact, innovations must cease to be innovative and become institutionalized and normalized.
“Scaling innovations to accelerate progress towards development and climate goals”. By Parnika Jhunjhunwala, Benjamin Kumpf and Johannes Linn. OECD Development Matters. 21 November 2022
This blog argues for a more systematic focus on scaling development and climate impact by governments and funders.
Purdue University (Community development, digital tools)
Scaling up Communities of Practice in Kenya and Malawi: Lessons from Agriculture WhatsApp Group Network
In the current era of war, COVID19, and worsening effects from climate change, it is urgent to inspire local grassroots community of practice engagements around vital information as intensely as possible as well. Among such initiatives, Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO) offers a learning-systems approach for creating informal educational animations, translated into locally most comfortably spoken local languages, then shareable through digital devices, especially mobile phones. When linked to a WhatsApp platform, the SAWBO learning-systems approach provides opportunities to create communities of practice reflecting knowledge exchange, experimentation, and mastery by experts and non-experts, practitioners, educators and local members toward sustainable solutions in agriculture, empowerment of members, and even transformations of identity. Based on experiences from WhatsApp groups in Kenya and Malawi three lessons emerge. First, a Knowledge Manager is critical for facilitating learning by providing information, motivating, inspiring and managing the membership. Secondly, activity in WhatsApp spaces can be disrupted by external events, such as elections in Kenya. Lastly, men participated more than women in the group. While follow-up research to understand women’s participation in these WhatsApp networks is on-going, knowledge managers also can cue from such silences and adjust their approach.
Contact: Anne Namatsi Lutomia and Julia Bello-Bravo [email protected]
Save the Children (Family planning)
“Designing for Impact and Institutionalization: Applying Systems Thinking to Sustainable Postpartum Family Planning Approaches for First-Time Mothers in Bangladesh.” By Melanie Yahner et al. in Global Health: Science and Practice. October 2022.
Many promising interventions with demonstrated impact at small scale have failed to produce the same results when scaled beyond small geographic areas, or have proven infeasible to institutionalize. To achieve lasting impact, an approach must be both effective (able to produce the desired impact) and able to be institutionalized. Yet, considerations for whether and how approaches can be institutionalized within existing health systems are often underrepresented in program design. The Connect project developed a design process that aimed to move beyond considering “does this approach have potential to produce the desired impact?” to also consider, with equal weight, “does this approach have potential to be institutionalized within the health system in this particular context?”. We applied this process to design postpartum family planning approaches for first-time parents in Bangladesh and Tanzania. This paper details the process, which is applicable to other technical areas and populations, and includes the tools as supplements.
Contact: Melanie Yahner [email protected]
Spring Impact (Gender)
Announcement: Scale Accelerator – Women’s Empowerment
Spring Impact has officially opened applications for Scale Accelerator: Women’s Empowerment, a fully-funded consultancy program for NGOs working to address women’s empowerment across Malawi, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Participants will gain the strategies, tools, and skills to make their journey to scale sustainable, achievable, and a whole lot easier. More information and application guidelines are available at: https://bit.ly/3Nvgz4r
Contact: Mohamed Osman [email protected]
Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) (Education)
“Reflections on systems practice: Implementing Teaching at the Right Level in Zambia.” By Varja Lipovsek et al. in Systems Thinking and Education in International Development (forthcoming)
Representatives from TaRL Africa, J-PAL, Pratham, VVOB and Co-Impact wrote this chapter to be published in January 2023 in a volume edited by Moira V. Faul and Laura Savage, forthcoming January 2023. The paper examines how TaRL scaled up in Zambia by examining the approach of TaRL Africa drawing on systems theory and illustrating this approach through the case study of how TaRL was introduced—and continues to evolve—in the Zambian education system.
Contact: Florence Dzame [email protected]
Université Laval (Health)
Announcement: Invitation to sign-up for a Delphi panel
Invitation to sign-up for a Delphi panel for the development of SUCCEED guideline. The published protocol is available here: https://systematicreviewsjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13643-019-1258-3. Qualified individuals include those who support, design, report, publish or use, or are affected by scaling of health interventions (researchers/methodologists, clinicians, patients, policymakers, publication professionals, funders). Two to three rounds will be run between November 2022 and March 2023. Please fill out the following form and we will contact you when the Delphi survey starts : https://forms.gle/7E3K35w1xHcCa14D7
Contact: Amédé Gogovor [email protected]
USAID (Agriculture)
The USAID-funded AgDiv project in Malawi.
AdDiv project, with USAID-funding and assistance from Malnutrition Matters (www.malnutriton.org), currently has over 5,000 women entrepreneurs locally producing and selling soymilk and yoghurt in their neighborhoods, using highly scalable SoyaKit equipment as designed by MM. These micro-enterprises produce about $30 per month in average profit for the entrepreneurs, with some earning up to $100/month. Current production is over 600,000 liters per month, or about 3.5M servings (protein equivalent to one egg, i.e., 5 grams), serving affordable protein to about 170,000 consumers daily. Estimated GHG savings for this project, using figures detailed in the paper “Climate Smart Approach – Affordable Nutrient Dense Foods” are 120 metric tons of CO2 equivalent per month. For more information see: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bo8b7uspw1u5zji/Climate%20smart%20affordable%20foods.docx?dl=0 and https://journals.sagepub.com/eprint/KTVRQB3SKRQVAFHNQW6U/full
Contact: Hart Jansson [email protected][email protected]
Welbodi Partnership, King’s College London (Health)
Scale-up of CRADLE Vital Sign Alert device in Sierra Leone
The CRADLE 5 trial aims to evaluate national scale up of the CRADLE Vital Signs Alert (VSA) device and impact on maternal and perinatal mortality and major maternal morbidity. The CRADLE device is an easy-to-use, accurate blood pressure and shock device with incorporated traffic-light early warning system alerting healthcare workers to obstetric emergencies in pregnant and post-partum women. Building on previous research in Sierra Leone’s urban center, which demonstrated reduced rates of maternal death and eclampsia, CRADLE (device and associated training package) is currently being rolled out nationally to over 1300 primary and secondary health care centers across all 16 districts with multiple research streams determining the impact, adoption and sustainability of national scale-up into routine maternity care in Sierra Leone. Upon completion, 54,000 CVA devices are anticipated to be distributed and 5000 health care workers trained. The implementation team, made up of local and international clinicians, researchers, government officials and local partners, are keen to share lessons learnt and discuss cross-cutting strategies for embedding health interventions into routine care with other groups and organizations scaling sustainable health interventions at national level.
Contact: Simren Herm-Singh [email protected]
World Bank
Event: “Strengthening Economic Opportunities for Syrians under Temporary Protection (SuTP) and Turkish Citizens in Selected Localities”
The Social Entrepreneurship Community of Practice (SECoP) in Türkiye invites all to join its two year anniversary that will be celebrated with an interactive online event on Dec 08, 2022 from 7:00 to 8:30 am EST. SECoP is established under the World Bank project “Strengthening Economic Opportunities for Syrians under Temporary Protection (SuTP) and Turkish Citizens in Selected Localities” and defines itself as ‘a community of experts and entrepreneurs who research, design and implement innovative social enterprise models’. SECoP brings together implementers of social entrepreneurship, Government representatives, multilateral organizations, NGOs, and academia around the topic of social entrepreneurship. It aims to collaboratively share knowledge and identify solutions to contribute to the development of the social enterprise sector in Türkiye. In its two years of activity, SECoP has become a key convening platform in Türkiye raising awareness on social entrepreneurship and strengthening cooperation and networks at national and local levels. SECoP is led by the World Bank with a Core Group consisting of the four women-led social cooperatives established under the Bank project. The four social cooperatives drive the agenda of SECoP meetings increasing awareness on operational aspects and potential of the sector in Türkiye. Knowledge exchanges, financial support, technical assistance, increased visibility, and improved access to markets are provided through SECoP. To learn more about SECoP Türkiye, join the event in December by filling out this registration form.
Contact: Claudia Teixeira [email protected]
Yale Research Initiative on Innovation and Scale (Y-RISE) (Rural-urban migration)
“Assessing social aid: the scale-up process needs evidence, too.” By Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak. Nature, 28 September 2022.
The Yale Research Initiative on Innovation and Scale (Y-RISE) researched the scaling process of a program to support the temporary employment of poor rural labor in Bangladesh’s urban areas. Principal lessons are: (i) consider effects beyond those on direct beneficiaries; (ii) pay attention to broader social changes; (iii) consider political and operational risks as new players get involved; (iv) scale up in reasonable increments; (v) track the full range of welfare effects; and (vi) monitor and evaluate the scaling process and adapting the solution as new issues arise in scaling that did not emerge during the pilot phase. The authors note that this last lesson is critical, but often meets resistance.
Contact: Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak [email protected]
Additional Publications (by topic area)
“Predicting the Adoption of the Agricultural Technologies Demonstrated in Farmer FIRST Programme in Indo-Gangetic Region” by Purushothaman Venkatesan et al. In Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 92(6):769-774, February 2022. DOI: 10.56093/ijas.v92i6.119140
“Effective Extension Methods for Upscaling and Outscaling of Wheat and Barley Production Technologies.” By Anuj Kumar et al.. Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Government of India. September 2021.
“Bringing to Scale: The Scaling-Up Concept in African Agricultural Value Chains. By Thomas Bassett, Moussa Koné and William Munro. African Studies Review 65(1):66—92. March 2022.
DOI: 10.1017/asr.2021.83
“Why an ineffective school improvement programme was scaled up.” By India Development Review. 11 August 2022
“Collaborative business modelling to scale inclusive businesses in developing countries: a workshop based approach” by Milou Derks, Tamara Oukes, and Henny A. Romijn. In Journal of Cleaner Production Volume 366, 15 September 2022. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959652622024684?via%3Dihub
Working Groups of the Scaling Up Community of Practice
The CoP hosts nine working groups (WGs). The names and e-mail addresses of the chairpersons are listed below. For more information on each working group and on how to join and contribute to a working group, please visit the CoP Website (www.scalingcommunityofpractice.com) or contact the respective chairperson(s).
Working Group Contacts |
Agriculture & Rural Development
Lennart Woltering (CIMMYT) [email protected] Maria Boa (CIMMYT) [email protected] Frank Place (IFPRI) [email protected] Mark Huisenga (USAID) [email protected] Julie Howard (CSIS) [email protected] |
Climate Change
George Zedginize (Green Climate Fund) [email protected] |
Gaëlle Simon (MSI) [email protected] Heather Simpson (Room to Read) [email protected] |
Fragile States
Jonathan Papoulidis (World Vision) [email protected] Robert S Chase (World Bank) [email protected] |
Laura J. Ghiron (ExpandNet and the Evidence to Action Project) [email protected] |
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
Larry Cooley (MSI) [email protected] John Floretta (J-PAL) [email protected] |
Dylan Walters (Nutrition International) [email protected] |
Social Enterprise
Isabel Guerrero (IMAGO) [email protected] Colin Christensen (One Acre Fund) [email protected] |
Youth Employment
Elizabeth Vance (International Youth Foundation, IYF) [email protected] Hisham Jabi (Consultant, PalTech US) [email protected] Jessica Ngo (MSI) [email protected] |