News of the Scaling Up Community of Practice

Sectoral and Thematic Working Groups

At the February 2015 scaling up workshop in Arlington, VA, during which we launched the Scaling UP CoP, participants expressed interest not only in a light umbrella CoP on scaling up approaches, issues and lessons in general, but also welcomed the development of sub-groups in specific sectoral or thematic areas.

We are happy to report that we have made good progress in organizing working groups on some of the topics that the CoP targeted for exploration. Below is a summary of the initiatives currently underway. If you are not yet involved and would like to join one or more of these working groups, please contact the lead organizers. We will also be exploring other topics in the future based on interest from CoP members.

Working group topicLead organizer/contactBrief description
Scaling up in educationMolly Eberhardy (R4D)
[email protected]
In a first phase, gather information on efforts underway in this space (from research to framework development to implementation). In a second phase, use that information to identify gaps in our collective understanding that we may be able to work together to fill.
Scaling up in fragile statesLarry Cooley (MSI)
[email protected]

Jonathan Papoulidis (World Vision)
[email protected]
Provide an opportunity to elevate the importance of scaling in fragile states among a group of donors and other key stakeholders. Serve as a platform for sharing lessons learned and good practices, as well as shaping future scaling approaches for these more difficult contexts.
Scaling for agriculture and rural development (ARD)Johannes Linn (R4D/Brookings)
[email protected]
Establish a platform and network of institutions/experts interested in scaling up ARD to allow knowledge exchange and learning, the development of partnerships and participation in each other's activities and events, in the collective pursuit of more effective approaches to scaling up in ARD.
Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) for scaling upLarry Cooley
[email protected]
Exchange experience on how to monitor and evaluate scaling up processes in terms of sound project management and real-time adaptation, as well as tracking how the enabling factors ("drivers" and "spaces") needed for scaling up are created, whether the fidelity of the scaled up intervention is maintained, and how to use M&E as a way to maintain scaling up momentum by reinforcing the enabling environment.

Member News

Brookings (Education and Health)

The “Millions Learning” team of the Brookings Center of Universal Education published a series of interviews with international leaders discussing their perspectives on reforming national education systems to improve learning. This included interviews with Julia Gillard, former Prime Minister of Australia, chair of the Global Partnership for Education and CUE Distinguished Fellow; Zbigniew Marciniak, former Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of National Education and in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for Poland; Claudia Costin, former Secretary of Education in Rio de Janeiro and Senior Director for Education at the World Bank; and Dzingai Mutumbuka, former Minister of Education in Zimbabwe and member of the R4D Board of Directors. The “Millions Learning” team also recently published a blog series titled Getting Millions to Learn. Each of the blogs explores a case study focused on a program or policy designed to contribute to large-scale gains in learning. Findings from these and other case studies will feed into the final Millions Learning study set to be released later this year. Case studies include: Getting millions to learn: Examining some interesting cases; An education revolution in rural communities of Central and South America; The impact of Sesame Street around the world; How did Japan’s Lesson Study program help improve education in Zambia?  How Room to Read takes a local approach to teaching and learning literacy skills; Providing practical and entrepreneurial education in Uganda; and INJAZ works for greater youth employability in Jordan.

Contact: Jenny Perlman Robinson, [email protected]

USAID, Evidence to Action (E2A), and the Leadership, Management & Governance Project (LMG Project) co-hosted a webinar titled “Shifting Mindsets to Make Change Stick: Fostering Change to Scale Up” on Friday, July 17, 2015 to introduce A Guide for Fostering Change to Scale Up Effective Health Services, recently published by the IBP Initiative, USAID, and the World Health Organization. The webinar shared with participants effective methods for scaling innovative projects, motivating key stakeholders, engaging partners for support, sustaining change, and maintaining quality at scale.

For an internal summary report, please contact:

Priyanka Varma at [email protected]

EpandNet (Health)

ExpandNet is currently publishing a paper wherein colleagues from Tupange, the Urban Reproductive Health Initiative in Kenya, describe how they changed their approach from a “project” to a “program” mode as a result of being exposed to scaling-up perspectives. This paper reflects similar work ExpandNet is doing with other Urban Reproductive Health Initiatives in India, Pakistan and Senegal. An earlier paper describes how systematic use of the ExpandNet/WHO tool “Beginning with the end:  planning pilot projects and other programmatic research for successful scaling up” has made it possible for the Health of the People and the Environment in the Lake Victoria Basin (HoPE-LVB), underway in Kenya and Uganda, to have sizeable influence on new policy-making in the East Africa region towards implementation of holistic, integrated and community-based approaches to health and sustainable development.

Contact: Laura Ghiron, [email protected]

IFAD (Agriculture and Rural Development)

IFAD is currently preparing a scaling up toolkit for its operational staff. Recently completed thematic notes provide guidance on how to achieve scale in thematic areas where IFAD has core competencies (gender empowerment, smallholder institutions, financial inclusion, climate resilient agriculture, nutrition, pro-poor value chains, smallholder irrigation, land tenure security, smallholder livestock). All are found at:

Contact: Maria Elena Mangiafico, [email protected]

IFPRI (Nutrition) 

IFRPI published a new study on scaling up nutrition: Stuart Gillespie, Purnima Menon, and Andrew L Kennedy “Scaling Up Impact on Nutrition: What Will It Take?” Advances in Nutrition, July 2015 vol. 6: 440-451, 2015

Contact: Rajul Pandya-Lorch, [email protected]

USAID/MSI (Agriculture)

USAID’s Bureau for Food Security has requested that an MSI team conduct a set of five studies on cases of successful scaling up of agricultural innovations in developing countries. The studies will focus on cases where commercial actors and pathways played an important role in scaling up. The overall objective is to generate lessons as to how USAID, and other donors, can leverage commercial actors and pathways for scaling up: what role the donor needs to play in creating the foundations and pre-conditions for commercial scaling in order to “hand off” the lead role to the private sector in driving the scaling up process. The case studies will be used to generate a synthesis paper on lessons learned and ultimately may produce guidance and training documents on how to apply these lessons to project design, procurement, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

Contact: Richard Kohl, [email protected]

World Bank (Maternal and Child Health)

During the Financing for Development Conference in Addis

Ababa, the United Nations, the World Bank Group, and the Governments of Canada, Norway and the United States joined country and global health leaders in the launch of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) in support of Every Woman Every Child, and announced that $12 billion in domestic and  international, private and public funding has already been aligned to country-led five-year investment plans for women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health in the four GFF front-runner countries of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania. global-financing-facility-launched-with-billions-already-mobilized-to-end-maternal-and-child-mortality-by-2030

Contact: Monique Vledder, [email protected]

World Bank (Delivery challenges at the base of the pyramid)

On June 29 2015 the World Bank’s Global Delivery Initiative, in coordination with IMAGO Global Grassroots and the Results for Development Institute, organized an event bringing together grassroots organizations, foundations and researchers on the topic of “Delivery challenges at the base of the pyramid”. An impressive group of social entrepreneurs from Africa, Latin America, South Asia presented examples of grassroots initiatives responding to very diverse development challenges on agriculture, biodiversity, forest management, health, technology, the ultra poor, water and sanitation, and youth in gangs. The conversation and presentations were held around three main questions: (i) the development challenges that these organizations face, (ii) their delivery challenges, and (iii) how they have been able to solve these problems and scale up. The workshop also included presentations of the Global Delivery Initiative (GDI) team, Imago Global Grassroots and R4D.

Contact: Maria Gozalez de Asis, [email protected]

World Vision/MSI (Fragile states)

50 individuals from World Vision and MSI conducted a 2-day workshop on Scaling Up in Fragile States that explored the issues, options and instruments needed to adapt scaling up to the special circumstances present in fragile states.  The group, which included a wide range of World Vision field and headquarters personnel, was joined by Johannes Linn, Alastair McKechnie and Frederik Teufel.  The workshop included case studies on Bangladesh, DRC and Somalia, and a exploration on applying market mechanisms in fragile settings.  World Vision and MSI committed to jointly developing during the coming months a series of guidelines, protocols and tools based on the topics discussed.

Contact: Larry Cooley,

Publications and Blogs

We list here some publications that have come across our desks and that we think you might be interested in.  They deal with scaling up successful development innovations across a wide range of topics.

Rizwan Tayabali. “PATRI Framework for Scaling Social Impact.” GIZ/BMZ Germany. 2014. (A decision tree approach to scaling up)http://germany.

Bertelsmann Stiftung, ed. “Scaling Social Impact in Europe: Quantitative Analysis of National and Transnational Scaling Strategies of 358 Social

Enterprises.” 2015.

Emily Gustafsson-Wright, Sophie Gardiner and Vidya Putcha. “The potential and limitations of impact bonds: Lessons from the first five years of experience worldwide.” Brookings, July 2015.

Markus Goldstein and Eliana Carranza. “Getting beyond the mirage of external validity.” Development Impact Blog. 05/20/2015 (Looks as how to assess external validity with scaling up.)

Anja Tranovich. “Boosting Social Entrepreneurship to Improve Rural Livelihoods.” D-Blog. June 21, 2013. (Jeevika, a program jointly supported by Government of Bihar and the World Bank, has built a community-based platform that can reach millions of poor households in the eastern state of Bihar.)



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