Laura Ghiron
Secretariat – ExpandNet
Health Working Group Co-Chair
Laura has served on ExpandNet’s Secretariat ( since its founding in 2003, helping guide the network’s activities, including developing guidance and publications and providing technical assistance on scale up in partnership with a wide range of institutions and donors. She has been working for over 25 years with projects in Asia, Africa and Latin America on scaling up family planning, reproductive health and other public health and development interventions. She completed her Masters in Public Health at the University of Michigan where she subsequently worked as Senior Research Specialist for twelve years before co-founding the US-based 501(c)3 non-profit Partners in Expanding Health Quality and Access to help manage the work of the ExpandNet network. As the President of Partners, Laura is directing a five-year (2022-2027) Gates Foundation-funded effort to build global scale-up capacity in partnership with a wide range of health and development-sector stakeholders. This work includes the development of the forthcoming Scale-up Learning Center which is an open-source, online platform that will offer a curriculum based on the WHO/ExpandNet scale-up guidance tools. The Center will enable implementers from around the world to gain access to global scale-up knowledge and practical implementation experience from a diverse range of countries.